16.11.2021 / 08:45

Facing Climate Change Head On

Financial Markets

Environmental, Social & Governance (ESG)

Achieving both mitigation and adaptation through Climate Bonds

Green Bond Series (Part 3)


Our last two articles shed light on how to issue green, social or sustainability-linked bonds. Specifically, in our last article, we talked about the liability companies have when they decide to adhere to sustainability-linked bonds principles. However, still under the voluntary principles umbrella of the International Capital Market Association (ICMA).

In this week’s article “Facing Climate Change Head On”, we will provide in-depth insight on a framework that does not merely provide rigid guidelines but enforces them, too. For corporations that are willing to put in the work for our planet and provide transparency on their climate change mitigating or adapting projects, the Climate Bonds Initiative (CBI) offers a certificate as a stamp of approval as well as unambiguous guidelines on how to attain it. Make sure to read our last article of this series to find out what types of bonds the CBI offersand what exactly distinguishes the ICMA from the CBI framework.

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